The DNAinfo archives brought to you by WNYC.Read the press release here.
Police said a thwarted holdup led directly to a carjacking at Armitage and Cleveland.
The lot is the only major tract of city-owned land in the North Branch Industrial Corridor.
Initial community response was mixed to a new liquor store at 2154 N. Halsted St.
Ald. Michele Smith and the Sheffield Neighborhood Association are distributing the petition online.
The park is also getting 35 new trees to replace 26 lost last year to the emerald ash borer.
"This has gotten serious," neighborhood association official said.
Owners told a group they would like to open on Halsted Street next spring with a bar and patio.
The zoning changes open the areas north and south of Goose Island to mixed-used residential projects.
With the North Branch Industrial Corridor quickly changing, buildings are going on the market.
Ald. Michele Smith said it was beyond foolish to allow developers to determine zoning changes.
One six-story apartment building will be constructed on the former site of the Market Place Foodstore.
There was no talk in court Thursday on fines that could top $150,000.
Jennifer Tiner wants to open a cat cafe affiliated with Alive Rescue.
Ald. Michele Smith cited the $150,000 figure already mentioned by the Commission on Chicago Landmarks.
The Lincoln Park alderman married cyber-security expert Leigh Weber.
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And, no, they're not called Roosevelt and State.
For most of November, it'll be open two days a week, between 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays.
Data shows that while more blacks and Latinos applied to the CPD, most new officers are white.
The nation's largest bike maker is soliciting bids for a retail build-out at 1647 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Cochran was given CPR by 40th Ward Ald. Patrick O'Connor, taken to Northwestern hospital.
The violent robbery could be connected to four other robberies in the area, police said.
We looked at the data behind thousands of cellphones reported stolen in Chicago since January 2016.
Erin Mowry, 42, could be convicted of aggravated DUI for the July 2015 crash.
Terrion Pouncy, 19, was still hospitalized Thursday following surgery.
The eviction notices "caught many families unprepared," activists said.
"The reception has been outstanding. We've had lots of interest and excitement," the listing agent said.
About 20 percent of O'Hare and Midway flights for Thanksgiving get delayed, according to a new report.