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The proposal, set for a final vote Oct. 11, seeks to build affordable housing in 3 hot neighborhoods.
State Sen. Daniel Biss and Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa split over differences of opinion on Israel.
Ramirez-Rosa, 28, said he was running for statewide office to "put working people first."
Elected alderman in 2015, Rosa is among the youngest to be elected to the Chicago City Council.
The developer will present its plan Thursday for 48 apartments at the corner of Montrose and Bernard.
The zoning change sailed through the City Council in a 49-1 vote on Wednesday.
Ald. Ramirez-Rosa said any further cuts to CPS could prompt students to walk out of class in protest.
Chicago has never had rent control and it's been outright banned at the state level since 1997.
Six probationary officers are undergoing training, aldermen report.
Kit Kat, Butterfinger and Jolly Ranchers are union-made, according to Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa.
The new Independence branch will be located inside a mixed-income housing development.
The station will get safer street-level access for commuters as well, Mayor Rahm Emanuel said.
Critics said the new Civilian Office of Police Accountability has little actual civilian involvement.
The library branch will reopen in its former leased digs while the city tries to buy the land.
Aldermen Ameya Pawar and Carlos Ramirez-Rosa submitted the proposal.
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And, no, they're not called Roosevelt and State.
For most of November, it'll be open two days a week, between 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays.
Data shows that while more blacks and Latinos applied to the CPD, most new officers are white.
The nation's largest bike maker is soliciting bids for a retail build-out at 1647 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Cochran was given CPR by 40th Ward Ald. Patrick O'Connor, taken to Northwestern hospital.
The violent robbery could be connected to four other robberies in the area, police said.
We looked at the data behind thousands of cellphones reported stolen in Chicago since January 2016.
Erin Mowry, 42, could be convicted of aggravated DUI for the July 2015 crash.
Terrion Pouncy, 19, was still hospitalized Thursday following surgery.
The eviction notices "caught many families unprepared," activists said.
"The reception has been outstanding. We've had lots of interest and excitement," the listing agent said.
About 20 percent of O'Hare and Midway flights for Thanksgiving get delayed, according to a new report.