CHICAGO — Jake Arrieta helped the Cubs to a 3-2 win over the Dodgers on Wednesday night.
But it was a blow from Arrieta's nose — not his arm — that has caught everyone's attention.
The buildup was smooth, professional: Arrieta stepped back, repositioned his hat and took a deep breath.
Then he blew the most powerful, disgusting snot rocket we've ever seen.
That’s one hell of a snot rocket there for Arrieta. #Cubs #Dodgers #NLCS #CubsvsDodgers #MLB #MLBPostseason
— The Tenth Inning (@TenthInningBall) October 19, 2017
Dare we say he literally blew it for the Cubs in Game 4?
The snot rocket — or, if we're trying to be delicate, "farmer's blow" — became something of a sensation on social media. People shared video and gif of the blow alongside colorful commentary.
The velocity on Arrieta's snot was impressive
— Patrick (@QuadCityPat) October 19, 2017
Can they slow mo that snot rocket Arrieta just shot? #Cubs #NLCS
— Jimmy Davis (@TheJimmbabwe) October 19, 2017
Seriously, what is with Arrieta and snot rockets?
— AJ ⚾️ (@NCSox) October 19, 2017
Thanks camera man, I really need to see Arrieta blast a spray of snot out of his nose. #NLCS
— Darren Gossler (@Goose1701) October 19, 2017
Man Arrieta nailed that snot rocket. Perfect form 😂😂
— Shane Vitosh (@svitosh) October 19, 2017
Anybody else just catch that gargantuan of a snot rocket Arrieta just blessed the mound with?
— The Lion Keith (@TheLionKeith2) October 19, 2017
That was disgusting #arrieta blew snot out his nose like a spray. Go wash ur hands man that was nasty!
— Ruby Romance (@RubyRomance) October 19, 2017
That snot shot was RIDICULOUS by Arrieta #cubs #snots #omg #impressive
— Corie (@cocobean324) October 19, 2017
Not a fan of Arrieta, but that snot rocket was pro. #Cubs #NLCS2017
— Robbie Huff (@HuffStuff06) October 19, 2017
Many have worried the game would be the last time Arrieta would play as a Cub — so maybe he was just trying to leave Wrigley something to remember him by.