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Eat A Hot Dog And Support The Special Olympics At These 50 Stands [MAP]

By Linze Rice | June 1, 2017 5:39am | Updated on June 2, 2017 11:28am
 A Vienna Beef hot dog with fries
A Vienna Beef hot dog with fries
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DNAinfo/Alisa Hauser

CHICAGO — As if you needed another reason to stop by your local hot dog joint, more than 50 area Vienna Beef slingers have pledged to donate a percentage of hot dog sales with Special Olympics Chicago. 

From now until Sept. 30, participating restaurants will give away some of their sales to sports program when customers make a purchase from 4 p.m.-close Thursdays and all day Saturdays. Diners should bring a hard or digital copy of the flyer for the event.


The Chicago branch of the Special Olympics is the largest program in the state and provides competitions, training, events, transportation, sports equipment, medals and more to the nearly 7,500 athletes with disabilities who participate each year in the Chicago-area, according to the organization.

Check out the map of participating neighborhood hot dog stands below.