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$3.5 Million Morgan Street Makeover Project To Start In Spring (RENDERING)

By Ed Komenda | January 11, 2017 5:54am
 Construction work on Morgan Street between 31st and 35th streets is set to begin in Spring, according to Ald. Patrick D. Thompson (11th).
Construction work on Morgan Street between 31st and 35th streets is set to begin in Spring, according to Ald. Patrick D. Thompson (11th).
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Chicago Complete Streets

BRIDGPEPORT — The long-awaited streetscaping project planned to beautify the stretch of Morgan Street between 31st and 35th streets is set to begin in the spring, according to Ald. Patrick D. Thompson (11th).

"That'll start in the spring once weather turns," Thompson said at a Tuesday night CAPS meeting at Deering District headquarters.

A streetscape project along Morgan Street is slated for a spring start. [Chicago Complete Streets.]

In June 2014, former Ald. James Balcer (11th) announced the city would use tax increment financing money to pay for the streetscaping project, which will include new street paving, sidewalks, decorative pavers, bike racks, pedestrian safety signs, trash bins and more.

"There will be certain corners that have bump outs, where it makes it more pedestrian friendly," Thompson said. 

Online records show the work is projected to cost $4.3 million, with the money coming from the 35th and Halsted TIF district, but Thompson said the work will cost about $3.5 million.

Several businesses along Morgan Street have been applying for permits to renovate their properties, Thompson said.

"That'll be a good catalyst and and help," Thompson said.

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