BACK OF THE YARDS — What happens when you scrape thousands of bees off a pole and put them in a box?
They make honey.
The swarm of bees that settled on a bicycle parked off Michigan Avenue generated quite a buzz earlier this month. Pedestrians (and reporters) gawked at the sight while people on the internet offered some pretty sweet wisecracks.
RELATED: Swarm Of Bees Take Over Bikes, Pole Near Michigan Avenue
Best bike lock ever? [DNAinfo/David Matthews]
Jana Kinsman of Bike A Bee scooped the bees off the bike and brought them down to her hives atop The Plant, a food incubator in a former meat packing plant in Back of the Yards. There, she's been taking care of the bees while they make honey she can jar and sell.
And there's no shortage of bees she could find again Downtown.
"There's hives on top of City Hall, there's hives on top of the Cultural Center, there's hives at Gallery 37 and various hotels Downtown," she said. "They're everywhere and they've never bothered you."
It looks like the bees from Madison Street are in a good place now. But check out the video above and see for yourself.
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