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It's 60 Degrees and Snowing in Logan Square - Thanks To Amazon Film Shoot

By Paul Biasco | March 7, 2016 11:53am
 Logan Square Movie Shoot
Logan Square Movie Shoot
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LOGAN SQUARE — It was a near perfect day on Milwaukee Avenue Monday morning, 60 degrees and... covered in fresh snow?

Word on the set is a feature-length film produced by Amazon was the reason for the wintery scene.

The entire block of Milwaukee between Fullerton and Medill was shut down to traffic Monday morning, a closure that lasts through 3 p.m. for the shoot.

The snow on the ground looked and felt like the real stuff.

It appeared most of the action was focused around Gaslight Coffee Roasters.

A PA on the set said the shoot was a coffee shop scene and that the movie was for Amazon.

He said the film has not yet been named.