CHICAGO — Who's the most handsome priest in Chicago?
President Barack Obama weighed in Thursday night during a CNN forum on gun violence in Virginia.
One of the guests was the Rev. Michael Pfleger, the activist Catholic pastor of Chicago's St. Sabina Church, who complained about how weapons in Auburn Gresham are so prevalent "it's easier to get a gun in my neighborhood than it is a computer."
In a moment of levity, Obama said he met the priest when Obama was 23 working in Chicago as a community organizer. "And somehow I aged, and he didn't," said Obama.
"He was always the best-looking priest in Chicago," Obama added.
On guns, Obama said "the problem is, is that about 30 percent, 40 percent of those guns are coming from Indiana across the border, where there are much laxer laws."
"And so folks will go to a gun show and purchase a whole bunch of firearms, put them in a van, drive up into Mike Pfleger's neighborhood on the South Side of Chicago where his parish is, open up the trunk, and those things are for sale," Obama said.