CHICAGO — It's official: 15th Ward Ald. Toni Foulkes will challenge Ald. JoAnn Thompson in the 16th Ward.
Foulkes announced in April plans to run for Thompson's seat after remapping changed the demographics of her original 15th Ward.
"Englewood is the community I was elected to represent in 2007, and I will not abort my African-American community," Foulkes said in April.
Foulkes' home address in the new 15th Ward is centered in Brighton Park and Back of the Yards, which will have a new alderman among nine contenders.
In addition to Thompson and Foulkes, five other people are running for alderman in the 16th Ward: Cynthia Lomax, Jose A. Garcia, Stephanie Coleman, Guadalupe Rivera and Jeffrey L. Lewis.
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