The DNAinfo archives brought to you by WNYC.Read the press release here.
Data shows that while more blacks and Latinos applied to the CPD, most new officers are white.
Go ahead, be a Basic Batida.
Cochran was given CPR by 40th Ward Ald. Patrick O'Connor, taken to Northwestern hospital.
Former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama also made an appearance Wednesday night.
We looked at the data behind thousands of cellphones reported stolen in Chicago since January 2016.
Obama warned participants that making change is hard and long and said he will be there to inspire them.
The payment is required under the universally loathed 2008 deal, officials said.
The duo were part of the closing panel at Wednesday's Obama Summit in the South Loop.
The 2018 budget for the six-week-old agency is more than $1 million short, Ald. Scott Waguespack said.
Donated by Darlene Dorfler of Grayslake, the city's Christmas tree will be lit Nov. 17.
Michelle Obama gave her tips on preparing kids for a world that feels increasingly more dangerous.
Taco Bell is giving away Doritos Locos tacos Wednesday afternoon. Here's where to find yours.
The restrictions will be enforced two hours before each event and last until one hour after the event.
Trump Tower did not exist in 1984. Also the scene takes place in what would be the middle of the lake.
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