CANARYVILLE — St. Gabriel Parish is hosting an exhibit on the life of Mother Teresa, including a relic of the Catholic saint that has been used in miracles.
The exhibit "Mother Teresa of Calcutta: Exhibit of Lover & Mercy," will open at St. Gabriel Church, 4522 S. Wallace St., on Wednesday, which is All Saints Day, and will run until Nov. 21, according to the church.
On display will be images of Mother Teresa as well as more than 75 color panels telling the story of the her life as well as a relic that includes a bit of the saint's blood. The relic was placed on the head of a man with brain tumors, and as he was being wheeled into immediate surgery, he told doctors that the pain had gone away.
A scan of the man's brain showed his tumors receding, according to the Catholic Church. It was the second miracle that allowed the Vatican to recognize Mother Teresa as a saint.
"It's not run of the mill," the Rev. Thomas Griffin, pastor of St. Gabriel, said of the exhibit. "It's the first time we've had something like this" in his five-plus-year tenure, he said.
The relic of Mother Teresa [DNAinfo/Joe Ward]
The relic will be on display and will be used for blessing the congregation after special Masses, Griffin said. People are invited to bring an item to touch the relic, which then turns the item into a third-class relic, according to the church.
Other features of the exhibit include images of the saint, as well as a comprehensive retelling of her incredible life story helping the most destitute populations in India. A one-hour-long documentary about Mother Teresa will also be screened as part of the exhibit.
The exhibit will be on display beginning Wednesday, though the church will hold special masses for All Saints Day at 8 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. St. Gabriel will also be open all day Saturday for people wishing to see the exhibit. Beyond that, individuals and groups can call the church for a private viewing of the exhibit, Griffin said.
The exhibit is a production of Missionaries of Charity, the order founded by Mother Teresa that has centers in Pilsen and on the Near West Side.
The Rev. Thomas Griffin, pastor of St. Gabriel Parish, views the exhibit on Mother Teresa. [DNAinfo/Joe Ward]