LOGAN SQUARE — A developer is proposing a 150-unit apartment building along Milwaukee Avenue in Logan Square.
The development project is slated for the corner of Armitage and Milwaukee avenues and joins a number of other major housing projects along a mile-long stretch of Milwaukee.
Some of the projects such as the MiCa buildings, formerly known as the Twin Towers, are already under construction while others, such as the Mega Mall redevelopment, have yet to begin.
The newest proposal is an eight-story building that would be build at the southwest corner of the intersection.
The developer, Clayco, filed a zoning change application last week.
Other housing developments along Milwaukee, which has seen a housing boom in recent years, include the "L" building and a proposed 10-story apartment building that was proposed last week as part of an overhaul of the Congress Theater.
RELATED: Logan Square's Future: Development Boom Changing Face of Neighborhood
The latest proposal has been pitched to the West Bucktown Neighborhood Association, but the group has yet to make a recommendation, according to its chairman, Rodney Gansho.
"We think a zoning change there is appropriate for higher destiny, what that is we don't know," Gansho said.
Gansho said the developer presented the proposal to the neighborhood group's committee last month, but the matter has yet to go before a full community meeting.
"We want to meet with the alderman to hear his vision for the whole Milwaukee corridor and aget a better understanding of what is in the pipeline," Gansho said.
Ald. Proco Joe Moreno (1st) could not be reached for comment.
While Gansho said the development process is in the "very preliminary" stage, the development has been submitted for the zoning change.
"Typically there wouldn't be something approved until it went through our process," Gansho said. "It sounds like something might be off on that."
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