CHATHAM — A 57-year-old man with a concealed carry license shot a man who was trying to rob him Thursday night, police said.
Just before 6 p.m., the 57-year-old was walking in the 8700 block of South State Street when another man, 20, pointed a gun at him and tried to rob him, according to Officer Janel Sedevic, a Chicago Police spokeswoman.
The older man, who has a concealed carry license, pulled out his own gun and shot the robber in his elbow, Sedevic said.
The robber then got into his car and ran over the older man, Sedevic said.
The older man was taken to Advocate Christ Medical Center, where he was listed in serious condition, Sedevic said.
Charges are pending against the robber, Sedevic said, whose condition stabilized after he was taken to Roseland Hospital for treatment.
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