CHICAGO — Alongside police and community members, the mother of murdered 9-year-old Tyshawn Lee pleaded for anyone with information on Monday's shooting to come forward.
Churches, community groups and individuals are collectively offering $20,000 for information that leads to the arrest of the person who shot and killed Lee.
Speaking briefly at a community meeting held by police at the site of her son's murder, a shaken Karla Lee begged the several dozen in attendance for someone to come forward.
"I just want justice for my son. Whoever knows anything, please go to the police," Lee said. "He was only 9, he didn't deserve this. That was my only baby."
Tyshawn Lee was shot in his head and chest about 4:15 p.m. in the alley in the 8000 block of South Damen Avenue. He was pronounced dead at the scene. A GoFundMe site set up to help pay for Tyshawn's funeral already had raised almost $15,000 as of early Wednesday.
Meanwhile, the Tribune reported that police are investigating whether the boy may have been killed in retaliation for his father's gang activities. The father, Pierre Stokes, told the paper he doubted that was the case, though, he added, he did feel that the boy was targeted.
Stokes told the Tribune, "I feel bad. I feel like it's my fault" because he was not with his son at the time the boy was shot and killed.
He said he did not allow his son to go trick-or-treating because he feared violence in the neighborhood, instead buying candy from a dollar to store and giving it to the boy.
At Tuesday night's meeting, Area South CAPS coordinator Glenn Brooks repeatedly asked the several dozen in attendance to sign their names on tables set up along the sidewalk, urging them to collaborate more with police.
"I'm here tonight asking you to get involved," Brooks said. "Now I don't know exactly what that involvement looks like, but I know this: If we sit here tonight and do absolutely nothing, then we wasted our time."
Lee's death has sparked citywide outrage, with Mayor Rahm Emanuel saying the killer was "not a human being" and the Rev. Michael Pfleger speaking out against the violence, asking, "What kind of creature can look at a 9 yr old and execute him?"
Reward increased to $20,000. Whoever is housing this executor should be charged with accessory. #TyshawnLee
— Fr. Michael Pfleger (@MichaelPfleger) November 3, 2015
Now, a flier that is circulating offers a $20,000 reward to the person who can provide information that leads to the arrest of Lee's killer. The flier features a photo of Lee and reads, "SPEAK UP FOR ME!" and "BREAK THE CODE OF SILENCE." Pfleger tweeted out a picture of the flier.
Anyone with information about Lee's killer is asked to call detectives at 312-747-8271 or Pfleger's St. Sabina Church at 773-483-4300.
St. Sabina has donated $5,000 out of the total $20,000 being offered. Another $10,000 comes from anonymous sources, $3,000 comes from the Beverly Art Planning Association, and St. Columbanus Church and Andrew Holmes have each donated an additional $1,000.
After remarks from Gresham District Police Cmdr. Rodney Blissett and 18th Ward Ald. David Curtis, Holmes used Tuesday night's meeting to call out an impassioned appeal to anyone who was involved in the shooting.
"Whoever was in that alley ... they shouldn't have even seen their own mother last night," Holmes said. "And if she knows, she should turn him in. And if the families know, they should turn him in. And if anyone out here knows, you should turn him in. Instead of putting teddy bears down there, put a name down."
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