BACK OF THE YARDS — Five people were wounded, three of them critically, in a shooting in Back of the Yards Thursday evening, police said.
Around 7:45 p.m., the three men and two women were standing on the sidewalk in the 5100 block of South Morgan Street when they heard gunshots and felt pain, according to Officer Jose Estrada, a Chicago Police spokesman.
A 29-year-old man and a 28-year-old woman were taken to Stroger Hospital in critical condition, Estrada said. The man had been shot in his legs and back, and the woman had been shot in her hand, foot and thigh.
A 27-year-old woman was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital, where she was in critical condition with a gunshot wound in her upper chest, Estrada said.
The other two men, 27 and 32, were taken to Stroger Hospital, where their conditions stabilized, Estrada said. The 27-year-old had been shot in his shins, and the 32-year-old was grazed in his shoulder.
Police said all three of the men are documented gang members.
No one is in custody, Estrada said.
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