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Glowing Arches With Hammocks Headed to Flatiron Plaza

By Noah Hurowitz | November 3, 2016 2:51pm
 "Flatiron Sky-Line" will give weary passersby a chance to lay back and check out the scenery.
'Flatiron Sky-Line'
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FLATIRON — Passersby in Flatiron will soon be able to take a rest in hammocks that will be hung from a series of glimmering arches, all part of an annual holiday installation next to Madison Square Park.

The installation, dubbed “Flatiron Sky-Line,” will consist of 10 connected arches, glowing with LED lights and arranged in a tapered triangle shape, creating a kind of open hallway on the pedestrian plaza on the north side of the intersection of 23rd Street, Broadway, and Fifth Avenue, according to renderings of the project.

Some of the arches will include hammocks, in which people will be able to relax and take in the sights of Madison Square Park, the Flatiron Building, and other neighborhood views, according to a statement from the Flatiron/23rd Street Partnership, which commissioned the installation along with its partner the Van Alen Institute, an urban planning and design think tank.

“Flatiron Sky-Line” is the work of the architecture and design firm LOT, and was the winning proposal in the annual selection of art installations as part of the 23rd Street Partnership’s “23 Days of Flatiron Cheer” holiday program.

According to LOT co-founder Leonidas Trampoukis, the installation is designed to give people a chance to gaze at their surroundings and appreciate what he described as among the country’s most recognizable intersections.

“Flatiron Sky-Line is an engaging installation, creating a social space underneath the illuminated arched outline, a structure to walk within and around, gaze through it towards the skyline, and experience Flatiron’s surroundings through a certain lens,” he said in a statement.

The project will go up on Nov. 21, and will remain on display through the holidays, according to a spokesman for the 23rd Street Partnership.