CROWN HEIGHTS — In the midst of the city’s full-fledged, sweat-rag-worthy, 90-degree hot spell, it’s important to keep in mind: there are some spots in the neighborhood where you can find your cool again.
From spray fountains to deeply air-conditioned public spaces, we’ve got Crown Heights covered (in a cold, refreshing mist, hopefully).
Happy chill hunting.
Public Fountains
► Brower Park
Kingston Avenue and Park Place
Soak yourself in these public sprinklers, then dry yourself off on the shaded benches lining the fountain area, adjacent to the Brooklyn Children’s Museum.
► Stroud Playground
Park Place between Washington and Classon avenues
This short spray fountain set in the middle of a giant blue painted circle is probably meant for kids playing on the jungle gym nearby, but we won’t judge if you take a couple sprints through. (Just so you know, adults can't enter a playground without a child in tow.)
► Dodger Playground
Sullivan Place between Nostrand and Rogers avenues
Batter up! Enjoy a baseball diamond-shaped spray fountain, complete with a catcher figurine (his glove sprays water), in this tiny playground named for the Brooklyn Dodgers not far from the site of their former stadium, Ebbets Field. (Solo adults, see above)
► Lincoln Terrace Park
Rochester Avenue and Carroll Street
Bring the kids to this giant, oval spray fountain — anchored by a big whale figurine in the middle — before it's gone; the playground is set to get a major overhaul soon, complete with new water features.
► Central Branch Library
10 Grand Army Plaza
The tiny bubblers lining the grand staircase of the library’s Grand Army Plaza branch are perfect for a good foot-soaking, any day of the week.
► Brooklyn Museum
200 Eastern Parkway at Washington Avenue
While we cannot advocate for jumping into the giant fountain outside the museum, you can get a good misting from its lively jets — or let your pooch run around, then spray you, maybe?
► St. Johns Recreation Center
1251 Prospect Place, between Troy and Schenectady avenues
If you’re hankering for a dip in a real pool, here’s your neighborhood option. An annual membership will cost adults $150 per year, or $25 per year for seniors (62 and up), young adults (18 to 24), veterans or people with disabilities. Kids get in free.
Best Shady Spots
► Brooklyn Botanic Garden
990 Washington Ave.
Did you know, the botanic garden is free on Tuesdays? Enjoy the nice breeze by the Japanese pond garden or Lilly Pool Terrace or head inside to check out the bonsai and orchid collections.
► Mt. Prospect Park
Eastern Parkway between Underhill and Washington
Built on the site of one of the borough’s highest points — the Mount Prospect Reservoir — this tucked-away park is one of the breeziest, shadiest spots in all of Brooklyn.
Best Air-Conditioned Spaces
► Baboon House at the Prospect Park Zoo
450 Flatbush Ave.
For less than the price of a movie ticket ($8), visit the Prospect Park Zoo where you can sit in the air-conditioned “Animal Lifestyles” exhibit and watch, through floor-to-ceiling glass, an endlessly entertaining family of baboons carouse around outside.
► Brooklyn Children’s Museum
145 Brooklyn Ave.
Free hours for kids and their families are Thursday afternoons at this hands-on exhibit space on Brooklyn Avenue. And if you’re looking for a snack, try the grilled cheese truck parked inside.
► Eastern Parkway Library
1044 Eastern Parkway
This newly renovated neighborhood branch is brand-new and sparkling, perfect for a day spent inside reading. Of course, any of Crown Heights’ libraries are great place to get out of the sun. Find your nearest branch here.
► Grant Square Senior Center
19 Rogers Ave.
Officially designated a heat wave cooling center, the Grant Square senior center is a perfect place to find respite from the heat. To find a list of all cooling centers in your area, visit the Office of Emergency Management's interactive map.