These listings were compiled by DNAinfo's Manhattan reporters: Lisha Arino, Gustavo Solis, Emily Frost, Danielle Tcholakian, Shaye Weaver and Irene Plagianos.
Friday, July 17
► Heidi Latsky Dance: A Celebration of ADA at 25
Where: Whitney Museum, 99 Gansevoort St. in the Meatpacking District.
When: 8 to 9:30 p.m.
Heidi Latsky Dance includes dancers with and without disabilities, and their Friday night performance of “Somewhere” and screening of the film “Soliloquy” celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The event includes a discussion and Q&A with Latsky and members of the dance company. The event is free with museum admission but registration is required.
► Jazzmobile Concert in the Park and a performance of The Tempest
Where: Marcus Garvey Park in Harlem
When: Concert begins at 7 p.m. Play begins at 8:15 p.m.
Jazz vocalist Antoinette Montague will perform a free show with a live band at the park near 121st Street and Mount Morris Park West. Afterwards, watch the Shakespeare classic performed by actors from the Classical Theatre of Harlem. The event is free, just make sure to come early and claim your spot in the amphitheater before the curtain rises.
Saturday, July 18
Where: FDR Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island
When: 4 to 7 p.m.
Rodney Lopez will host free salsa, Cuban and Timba lessons. Ola Fresca will perform Latin, Cuban and salsa music.
Where: Governors Island
When: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For some quirky active time, head to the Come Out & Play Field Day. It's a free annual festival that turns part of Governors Island into a playground for adults, with whimsical street games like Full Contact Catan — the Settlers of Catan game re-imagined as a contact sport.
A kids version, the Come Out & Play Family Day, runs simultaneously.
Where: Governors Island and at various locations throughout the city
When: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
City of Water Day, now in its eighth year, is slated to bring dozens of gratis events to the city's waterfront, including free kayaking, boat tours and fishing demonstrations.
► Paths to Pier 42 Summer Waterfront Celebration
Where: East River waterfront on the south side of the FDR Drive. Entrances from the East River Greenway at Montgomery Street and through Corlears Hook Park at Cherry Street.
When: 2 to 6 p.m.
Enjoy the East River waterfront and take part in a number of free activities facilitated by local artists and designers, including large-scale art installations, fishing clinics and arts and crafts.
► MOCACREATE: Landscapes, Cityscapes and Skyscapes
Where: Museum of Chinese in America, 215 Centre St. in Little Italy
When: 1 to 4 p.m.
Paint and try your hand at calligraphy while learning more about Chinese Song dynasty painting and the artistic styles of Tyrus Wong, whose work inspired the Disney’s animated film “Bambi” and is currently on display at the museum. The event is free with general museum admission of $10 and $5 for students and seniors with valid ID. Free for children under 12.
Sunday, July 19
Where: Carl Schurz Park Conservancy (East End Avenue at 86th Street) in Yorkville
When: 4 to 7 p.m.
A free citywide musical celebration will have a location at Carl Schurz Park with performances by a mix of artists.
► Reel Harlem Film Festival screening of “Hustlers Convention"
Where: Saint Nicholas Park on 135th Street and Saint Nicholas Avenue in Harlem
When: 6:30 p.m.
The film is about a 1973 album that is regarded as a "cornerstone in the evolution of hip hop." It looks into how the music was influenced by the Black Power politics of the post-Malcolm X era. People are encouraged to bring their own blankets to the free outdoor screening.
► Drawing Room at Casa Frela Gallery
Where: 47 West 119th St. in Harlem
When: 1 to 4 p.m.
Sip wine and enjoy local jazz during a three-hour drawing class at the art gallery on West 119th Street. A professional artist will work with you throughout the $25 class. Participants are encouraged to bring their own art supplies.