NEW YORK CITY — The Brooklyn District Attorney has brought additional manslaughter charges against ex-con Julio Acevedo, who allegedly killed a young Hasidic couple and their premature baby boy in a hit-and-run crash, they announced Tuesday.
DA Charles Hynes said the office tacked on second-degree manslaughter charges to Acevedo's indictment after finding witnesses who reported Acevedo driving recklessly immediately before the Mar. 3 crash that killed Nathan Glauber, 21, and his pregnant wife Raizy, 21, whose son died soon after being delivered prematurely.
“While we knew it was a snowy evening and the defendant was speeding, our investigation has developed additional information concerning the nature of Mr. Acevedo’s conduct leading up to the fatal crash,” Hynes said in a statement.
Hynes said the witnesses — including a batch of Brooklyn firefighters and another driver on the road the night of the crash — spotted Acevedo speeting close to 70 mph.
"As Acevedo passed the Fire Truck and the civilian car, the witnesses heard Acevedo's car accelerate and watched the car increase its speed. As Acevedo's car passed the civilian's car it rounded a curve at a high speed and immediately slammed into the car carrying the victims. After the crash Acevedo exited his car was seen observing the carnage and fled," the DA's office said in a statement.
The convicted killer already faces up to 25 years for leaving the scene of an accident where he after he plowed his BMW into a livery car on Kent Avenue at near Wilson Street.
Witness statements of Acevedo’s wild driving and high rate of speed - determined by accident investigators - supports the prosecutor’s theory that his actions were clearly hazardous and he knew they could cause injury or death, the DA's office said.