By Adam Nichols
DNAinfo News Editor
MANHATTAN — The Anthony Weiner Twitter sex scandal just got seedier.
An X-rated picture apparently of the scandal-scarred Congressman's penis was posted online Wednesday.
Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart, who claimed he was sent the shocking picture by one of the women Weiner met online, told reporters at Weiner's impromptu press conference Monday that he did not intend to publish it.
But Breitbart showed the full frontal photo to Sirius XM shock jocks Opie and Anthony during his radio appearance Thursday.
The radio DJs took a picture of it and tweeted it, according to the New York Post.
Breitbart had forced Weiner's hand into a confession on Monday, releasing another round of racy photos of Weiner, who is married. The congressman held an emotional press conference in Midtown in which he admitted sending the pictures and exchanging steamy messages with six women.
He has refused to resign his congressional seat. He represents Queens and parts of Brooklyn.