By Della Hasselle
DNAinfo Reporter/Producer
MANHATTAN – What's your sign? Some New Yorkers say they no longer know for sure.
That's because there's a new zodiac sign — Ophiuchus, the snake dancer — that's forced all the other signs to shift to make room. Tauruses are now Aries. Libras are Virgos. And chaos has ensued in the heavens and on the Internet.
"Did your zodiac sign change? New York is having an identity crisis and suddenly I am a Gemini insead of a Cancer..." New Yorker ty_justice Tweeted.
“I refuse to switch my astrology sign to something I can’t even really spell,” Sagittarius Twitter user katevoegele added. They were among hundreds who lamented, taking out their fear and aggression on Twitter and Facebook Friday.
But fret not Sagittarians, some astrologers say there's no need to tear up your horoscope just yet.
The new 13th sign is based on Eastern, not Western, astrology.
"To me, there’s no conflict," West Village-based astrologer Lawrence Grecco told DNAinfo. "We should stick to the original time period for each zodiac. They work. And astrologers have been aware of the shift for years."
He plans to tell customers: "If events transpire as I have predicted, then its proof that your sign has not changed."
For those who believe in the change, however, the recent hubbub is based on an observation by Park Kunkle, a board member of the Minnesota Planeterium Society.
"When [astrologers] say that the sun is in Pisces, it's really not in Pisces," Kunkle told a reporter from the Star Tribune Friday.
That means, due to a wobble on the Earth's axis, there's a one-month shift in the star's alignment, and therefore in the astrological signs.
So what about this new sign?
The constellation Ophiuchus, which depicts a man wrestling a serpent, is the only sign of the zodiac linked to real people, according to Time Magazine.
Considered to be a healer of men and a doctor of medicine, Ophiuchus, or what is said about him, has many traits of Scorpio, Grecco said.
"You cannot measure a metaphysical art based on physical or scientific methods," Grecco said. "You cannot quantify your faith, just experience it. And it can be a hindrance if you base your whole life on astronomy."
Still, the confusion has left many New Yorkers in an identity crisis, trying to figure out how to potentially adapt to a new sign.
“My astrology sign just went from a lion to a creature that is rendered defenseless by rubber bands,” Nivrellidesigns Tweeted.