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Put Down That Soda, New York City Health Video Shows Man Drinking Glass of 'Fat'

By DNAinfo Staff on December 15, 2009 7:31am  | Updated on December 15, 2009 7:30am

By Mariel S. Clark

DNAinfo Reporter/Producer


MANHATTAN — Put down that soda.

The New York City health department has a new stomach-turning video showing a man drinking a glass of fat. It's an effort by the DOH to prevent people from overindulging on sugary drinks.

The ad shows a man opening a can of soda and pouring it into a glass. But it's not cola, instead what pours out is a gelatinous goop that looks like fat.

The video, best not watched before eating, after eating, or if you ever plan to eat again, goes on to show the man drinking the entire glass of fat, ending up with some on his face.

"Drinking one can of soda a day can make you 10 pounds fatter a year," the campaign says. "Don't drink yourself fat."

The ad urges New Yorkers to drink water, seltzer or low-free milk instead of sugary beverages that add hundreds of calories to their diets.

Reactions to the disgusting ad are mixed.

"Good to see that propaganda as a motivational tool is alive and well at the NYC Health Department," said commenter onlyed87 on the video's Youtube site. "Coming soon: 'Cannibalism--Health Threat or Population Control?'"

Still others seem to take the video's message to heart, or at least to stomach.

"This makes me cringe... Who knew soda could do all that?" said commenter NAhsaki.

"OMG, so gross...sooooo gross!! But now I'll think twice about drinking soda," added poster townsendyoung.