By Dave Goldiner
DNAinfo News Editor
MANHATTAN — A nurse's aide at a Morningside Heights nursing home was sentenced to seven years in prison for sexually abusing a 61-year-old disabled patient, prosecutors said Wednesday.
Jose Ramos, 62, of the Bronx, was convicted of first-degree sex abuse and endangerment for the attack on the partially paralyzed stroke victim, who was completely dependent on her caregivers.
"The defendant preyed on a helpless victim," said District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. "Rather than protecting the safety of the victim, he violated her in deplorable ways."
Ramos, who worked the night shift at the Amsterdam Nursing Home, slipped into the woman's room and sexually abused her.
Another staff member discovered the abuse when she walked in on Ramos.
Even though the victim cannot talk, she testified against Ramos by pointing to letters on a page to spell out words.