The DNAinfo archives brought to you by WNYC.Read the press release here.
A shortage of bilingual therapists has made the problem especially difficult in some districts.
The victim suffered a fractured skull base, multiple spinal fractures, bruised lungs and other injuries.
The new owners have no plans to change the properties, according to a realtor who brokered the deal.
Keith Richard tried to flee on foot, but was arrested soon after for attempted murder, police said.
The museum's director discovered the photos missing on Monday morning, police said.
"It's just a niche and nascent industry, and it's kind of like the wild west," the owner's lawyer said.
The city will host a planning meeting on the dock this Thursday.
"It was even funner than I thought," 5-year-old Emma Mudrick said of her eco-friendly bash.
New prevention programs will also provide more training for staff.
She was sitting cross-legged when researchers with the Newtown Creek Alliance found her, they said.
Kathleen Springer got a thirst for politics after campaigning to restore the Astoria Park pool.
The School Construction Authority will build a permanent addition at P.S. 2 in Astoria.
The city received more than $13 billion in federal aid, the largest share of the Hurricane Sandy funds.
Top 10 percent of middle schoolers should get into best city high schools, NYU's Metro Center suggests.
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