PARK SLOPE — A 42-year-old man was arrested for assault after driving his Dodge Suburban into another man on Feb. 23, according to a police report.
The assault came after the two men had a verbal dispute on the corner of Fifth Street and Seventh Avenue at about 9:53 a.m., according to the report.
Other recent crimes in the 78th Precinct include the following:
► A restaurant delivery worker had his Yamaha motor bike stolen after he left it running on the street while he made a delivery near Park Place and Seventh on Feb. 19 at 7:30 p.m.
► A 32-year-old woman had her phone stolen while she was walking her dog in Prospect Park on Feb. 20 about 6 p.m. The thief asked if he could borrow the phone to call his mom.
► A 44-year-old man was arrested for menacing a 63-year-old woman with a sharpened piece of metal near Wyckoff Street and Third Avenue on Feb. 25.
Overall, major crime in the 78th Precinct has increased 20.75 percent this year compared to the same period in 2016, according to the most recent statistics from the NYPD. There were 144 major crimes reported between Jan. 1 and Feb. 26, 2017, compared to 109 major crimes during that period in 2016.
Editor's Note: The 78th Precinct does not regularly provide information to the media on open cases involving major crimes such as robbery, grand larceny, rape, burglary and felony assault. Some information on those crimes can be found on the NYPD's CompStat 2.0 website and on the NYPD's NYC Crime Map.
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