TIMES SQUARE — A Korean woman died after being hit by a yellow cab that rolled onto a sidewalk as the driver was helping a passenger out of the van, the NYPD said.
Suhuyn Park, 22, and her 21-year-old boyfriend were walking on the sidewalk near West 51st Street and Eighth Avenue on Dec. 30 at about 8:28 p.m. when the cabbie's 2012 Toyota Sienna rolled away, striking the couple before hitting another yellow cab on the same street, according to police.
The two were taken to New York-Presbyterian Hospital, where Park was listed in critical condition with severe bodily injuries, police said. She was pronounced dead on Monday, police said.
Her boyfriend was treated for minor injuries and released, according to the NYPD.
Park was from Sangok-Dong Bupyeong in South Korea, though police could not say what she was doing in New York City.
The 67-year-old driver stayed at the scene of the accident and has not been arrested or charged for the incident, police said. An investigation by the NYPD’s Collision Investigation Squad is ongoing, authorities said.
Police could not say how far the taxi traveled before it struck the couple.
A worker at the Chipotle at 854 Eighth Ave., down the street from where the accident took place, said he was making a delivery when he passed the aftermath of the scene on Dec. 30.
“I saw the taxi — the front, where the lights are, it was broken, and the ambulance and everything were there,” said Tekash Munipersaud, 19, whose friend later told him a woman had been hit. “I was like, hopefully she’s OK.”