BEDFORD-STUYVESANT — The city is set to vote on another historic district for Bedford-Stuyvesant.
The Landmarks Preservation Commission scheduled a Dec. 8 vote for the Bedford Historic District, according to residents and LPC representatives.
Homeowners within the proposed boundaries — which span from Bedford to Tompkins avenues and Monroe to Fulton streets — recently received letters from the agency with descriptions of their homes and notification of the upcoming decision date, neighbors said.
Approximately 800 buildings are in the suggested area, with masonry row houses and apartments constructed between 1870 and 1900.
Renaissance Revival, Italiante and Queen Anne architectural styles are among those seen in the neighborhood and the proposed district is home to several landmarked buildings, including Marcy Avenue’s Boys High School.
Residents have been working on the designation since 2007, according to Claudette Brady, a founder of the Bedford Stuyvesant Society for Historic Preservation.
The vote is long overdue, she said, and the approval would preserve the neighborhood’s character.
“People choose to live here because of it,” Brady added. “This protects people's financial investment and also their emotional investment. It’s about time.”
Most recently, the city approved an expansion of the Stuyvesant Heights Historic District.
If LPC votes in favor of the Bedford Historic District, the designation goes before the City Planning Commission for review and the City Council for a vote.