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You Told Us: Should a Citi Bike Station be Installed in Front of a School?

By Shaye Weaver | September 21, 2015 9:52am
 The new Citi Bike station at East 82nd Street and Second Avenue.
The new Citi Bike station at East 82nd Street and Second Avenue.
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DNAinfo/Shaye Weaver

You Told Us is a regular feature highlighting comments from users in the communities DNAinfo covers.

UPPER EAST SIDE — Citi Bike's decision to install one of its first Upper East Side stations in front of P.S. 290 last week had some parents fuming, saying it was a hazard to their kids who use the street to play during recess everyday.

The station sits within the block that the school closes down for recess, on East 82nd Street between First and Second avenues. The students use the street to play because the school doesn't have a gym or a playground.

In response to complaints, the city's Department of Transportation said it would work with the school and consider relocating the station if any unforeseen issues arise.

But commenters on Neighborhood Square were dubious of the parents' concerns.

► "Bicycles near children "disgraceful"??? " What kind of people will bikes bring to the block"?? Can these people hear how they sound? They should be happy there are more bikes there, and hopefully that will mean less cars over time and the children will have a different mindset of the possibilities of what their city can be like in the future; more environmentally friendly," user xersizzle said.

► "I'm a Citi Bike rider who lives in Yorkville, who is thrilled to see the new bike stations that have been installed. These parents need to get a grip on themselves. They should remember that they share this city with 8 million other people. Their hysteria about the "dangerous" bike racks and "scary" people who may flood their neighborhood is completely unwarranted, to the point of being utterly ridiculous. Please move back to suburbia if you are not openminded enough to realize that life in NYC doesn't revolve solely around you and your children," user sven-lou said.

► "Unless they clear the street of cars during 'play time,' and prevent people from walking to or driving out of this area, this seems like more of the usual anti-Citibike lunacy. Look, no one's coming to your neighborhood or invading your precious re-appropriated public space on a Citibike that isn't coming to your neighborhood anyway. The people docking their bikes here probably work or live within a few blocks of here. These are your own community members!" user simonpherson said.

Very few agreed with concerned parents, including user ora-reed, who said:

► "Some of the comments [...] are obviously from people that don't have children. It was a dumb idea to put a bike station where kids play; Kids are so unpredictable; and some cyclists should try walking."