There's something about Pizza Rat that resonates with all New Yorkers.
Comedian Matt Little — who shot the now-viral video of the ambitious rodent dragging its dinner down the stairs of the L train platform at First Avenue Sunday night — said he thought the rat symbolized what many New Yorkers experience living in the Big Apple.
"You’re carrying too much and you have to go too far and there’s always a lot going on," Little said.
Luckily, Little was quick on the draw and managed to shoot video of the rodent on his phone.
"That was one of the coolest things I think I’ve ever seen," said Little, 35, a Bushwick resident who performs at the Upright Citizens Brigade and also with the comedy group Thank You, Robot.
"You don’t see something like that often."
As the comedian filmed, his friend could be heard in the background telling the rat to "live your best life."
"He’s not the hero that New York City needs," Little continued, "he’s the hero that New York City deserves."