WILLIAMSBURG — More than $2,000 worth of Gucci and Prada accessories were stolen from a car parked blocks from the waterfront last week, according to police.
The car was parked on the 20 block of N. 5th Street between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. Monday, June 2, police said.
When the driver returned to the car, a lock had been damaged, and $2,265 worth of Gucci sunglasses, Prada sunglasses and a Gucci bag had been stolen.
No arrests have been made.
Other notable crimes that occurred recently in the 94th Precinct include:
► A man walking on the 100 block of Jackson Street toward his grandmother's house was approached from behind and put in a choke hold during a robbery of an iPhone 5S, police said.
The incident happened Wed., June 4, between 3:30 p.m. and 4 p.m.
The attacker, a male in his teens or early 20s wearing a black Nets cap, said "Give me what's in your pocket" after putting the victim in the choke hold, police said.
The victim handed the attacker his iPhone. The attacker fled onto Jackson, but the victim said he saw the attacker follow him onto the 300 block of Graham Avenue.
► Two men bought nearly $2,000 worth of Duane Reade gift cards with stolen credit cards at the 250 Bedford Ave. location, police said.
Police arrested Bryan Velazquez, 21, for buying $1,925 worth of gift cards with the credit cards. Police said a man named "Jay" was with Velazquez.
Bedford Avenue's Duane Reade declined to comment.
► Thieves stole Whirlpool washing machines from a car parked on the 100 block of Apollo St. last week, police said.
A man had parked his truck on the block for a week so that his mechanic could repair it. When he returned last Thursday, his truck had been broken into, and the machines were gone, police said.
The machines were wholesale so did not have identifying information yet. The value of the machines was not available.