SOHO — A woman lost sight in her right eye after being smashed in the face with a bottle at the SoHo nightclub Greenhouse last weekend, police and prosecutors said.
The woman and her friend were partying during the early morning hours of Feb. 23 when they were attacked at the hotspot, which sits atop basement nightclub W.i.P, the infamous site of singer Chris Brown and rapper Drake’s alleged bottle-throwing brawl in June 2012, police said.
Both women were struck by bottles thrown by 22-year-old Andres Grajales at the 150 Varick St. club at about 4 a.m., according to police.
The victim, 27-year-old Shanise Fairley of the Bronx, told the New York Post that she doesn't know why the man began hurling bottles.
“I was just sitting at a table talking to my friends and a fight broke out and I got hit in the face with a bottle. I don’t remember what happened after that,” said Fairley, a dental technician from Co-op City who needed 20 stitches on her broken eye socket.
Fairley was taken to the Hospital for Special Surgery, where she was treated for a fractured eye socket that caused her to lose vision in her eye, at least temorarily, police and the Manhattan district attorney's office said.
It was not immediately clear whether the vision loss was temporary or whether it could be reversed, Fairley's brother, Will Fairley, told the Post.
The victim's friend, 23, also hit in the head with a bottle and was taken to New York Presbyterian Lower Manhattan Hospital where she received five stitches, according to police reports.
Grajales was charged with one count of second-degree assault, according to the Manhattan district attorney's criminal complaint. Police said he had been charged with prior felony assaults.
Grajales was being held on $2,500 cash or $5,000 bond. He’s due back in court on Feb. 27.
His attorney did not respond to a request for comment.
Other crimes in this week’s 1st Precinct Police Blotter include:
► A woman shoplifted 105 pairs of underwear, worth a total of $1,300, from Victoria’s Secret at 591 Broadway on Feb. 20, police said. The theft went unnoticed until employees performed an inventory check later in the day and watched surveillance video from the store.
The location is no stranger to shoplifting. Most recently, on Feb. 10, a woman stole 120 pairs of panties without being caught.
► Police arrested 18-year-old Daniel Trought for attempting to rob a woman outside of 5 Morris St., on Feb. 20. Police said the thief watched his 26-year-old victim take out $250 from a nearby bank, then followed her when she walked out.
Trought approached the woman and tried to start a conservation, but he soon began trying to grab her purse, police said.
Police who were nearby noticed the tussle and were quickly able to arrest Trought, according to the police report.
Trought's lawyer did not respond to a request for comment.
► A 44-year-old homeless man was arrested for stealing tools out of 5 Beekman St., a historic building currently undergoing construction. Police said they arrested Brian Crawford after he exited the building with two drills and several other tools at about 2 a.m. on Feb. 20.
Information about Crawford's lawyer was not immediately available.