LONG ISLAND CITY — Forget snakes on a plane, Queens has a shark on a train.
Straphangers shared a late night Queens-bound N train with a fishy passenger — a dead 3-foot shark left under a seat, Gothamist first reported.
The rank-smelling fish was noticed by a Gothamist tipster at 34th Street in Manhattan. The train's conductor finally evacuated the car at Queensboro Plaza at 12:30 a.m. Wednesday.
"I board a car that's not terribly full and as soon as I enter, a stench hits my nose," said the tipster, Mary M. "It's not the typical urine/trash smell, it's...fishy? I look down to the end of the car to see a dead shark on the floor.
"I think I stood there for a good minute just staring, thinking 'Is this for real?! Oh come ON, NYC!'"
After the evacuation, the train continued to the end of the line, where the shark was put in the trash, an MTA spokeswoman said.
"MTA employees see a lot of things," she said.
"Today they saw a shark.”
By early afternoon, the shark had its own Twitter handle, @NYCSubwayShark, and Twitter had exploded with Shark Week-related posts about the peculiar sighting.