FINANCIAL DISTRICT — Nearly a year after a UPS worker was crushed by an SUV that jumped the curb on Beekman Street, the roadway is getting a traffic light.
The new traffic light will be installed at Beekman and William streets — a popular crossing for the neighborhood's elementary students — by the end of July, replacing a stop sign there, Department of Transportation officials said in a letter to State Sen. Daniel Squadron.
Squadron, along with other local officials including Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, and a host of concerned parents and residents, have been pushing the DOT to improve pedestrian safety on the block, which is home to the Spruce Street School.
Last May, in response to community pressure, DOT officials agreed to install a new school crossing sign on Beekman Street between William and Gold streets, as well as other street markings to slow traffic.
But parents have long complained that the intersection of Beekman and William streets, where many children cross to get to Spruce, needs a traffic light.
Residents have said they often see cars speed up Beekman Street and then roll right through the stop sign at William Street.
Michael Rogalle, 58, a beloved UPS worker in the neighborhood, was hit by an SUV on Beekman Street April 17, 2012 and died of internal injuries five days later.