QUEENS— The election for Queen's 6th Congressional District may be two months away, but Assemblywoman Grace Meng has already won the race to the bank.
Meng has raised over $1 million in her quest to become the first Asian American to represent New York in Congress.
Federal Election Comission filings from June 30, the most recent data available, show that Meng's campaign, Grace for New York, has raised $1,035,817.
Meng's republican opponent, city Councilman Daniel Halloran trails by a long margin. Halloran's campaign reports donations totaling only $18,915 as of June 30.
By contrast, outgoing Assemblyman Gary Ackerman, whom Meng is vying to replace, raised $1,109,041 during his entire 2010 re-election campaign. Meng is already close to breaking that mark.
Meng, who defeated three challengers in a June primary, is on a fundraising roll, as the campaign raised over $280,000 during the two week period between June 15 and June 30. Halloran raised $13,040 during the same period.
Halloran's campaign downplayed their disadvantage, as spokesman Steven Stites said that while they can't compete with Meng's money, the campaign would "raise enough to be competitive."
"Dan was outspent 5:1 in his Council race and won," Stites said, adding: "[Queens Rep.] Bob Turner got outspent in this district last year and won. Because folks are tired of Meng and Obama's failed policies that have doubled the debt without creating jobs."
Meng's campaign did not respond to requests for comment.