By Carla Zanoni
DNAinfo Reporter/Producer
WASHINGTON HEIGHTS — Amsterdam Avenue is one step closer to hosting a new affordable housing development in lower Washington Heights after a Community Board 12 committee voted in favor of a resolution supporting the project Wednesday night.
The Community League of the Heights (CLOTH), a Washington Heights-based nonprofit, announced its plan to build a six-story "supportive housing complex" in 2012 at 2142 Amsterdam Ave., between 166th and 167th streets last month.
CLOTH is likely to receive final approval from the Department of Housing, Preservation and Development (HPD) if the full CB12 board votes in favor of the resolution at its general meeting on March 22.
Residents from Washington Heights and Inwood who were previously homeless or received services for mental health issues within the CB12 district will be given preference for 40 percent of the available studios.
Although some residents had voiced concern about the project, saying they were unaware such a development was taking place, no public dissent was expressed at the committee meeting Wednesday night.
"The board has been very supportive of this development," Land Use committee chair Wayne Benjamin said last week during CB12's general meeting. "It’s been a long time coming."