By Carla Zanoni
DNAinfo Reporter/Producer
WASHINGTON HEIGHTS — Community residents will get a chance to weigh in on a nonprofit’s plan to build an affordable housing development in lower Washington Heights at Community Board 12's land use committee meeting in March.
Earlier this month, the Community League of the Heights (CLOTH), a Washington Heights-based nonprofit, announced its plan to build a six-story "supportive housing complex" next year at 2142 Amsterdam Ave., between 166th and 167th streets.
Approximately 40 percent of the housing will be made available to people who were formerly homeless and/or deal with mental disabilities.
"HPD has made its commitment, it’s now just a matter of dotting our Is and crossing our Ts," Yvonne Stennett, CLOTH’s executive director, told DNAinfo on Feb. 16.
Some of those dotted Is and crossed Ts include a resolution from Community Board 12 recommending the project before CLOTH can receive final approval from the Department of Housing, Preservation and Development (HPD).
"The board has been very supportive of this development, it’s been a long time coming," Land Use committee chair Wayne Benjamin said during CB12's general meeting Tuesday night.
But some community residents have voiced concern over the project, saying they were unaware that such a development was in the works.
"It’s not that I’m against something like this, but I’d like to know more before we OK over 40 new apartments in this neighborhood," nearby resident Carmen Montalvo, 36, said.
Community Board 12's Land Use committee will meet on Wednesday, March 2, at 7 p.m. at 711 West 168th Street, between Fort Washington and Haven avenues. For more information call 212-568-8500 or visit their website.