By Carla Zanoni
DNAinfo Reporter/Producer
UPPER MANHATTAN — Bike riders, pedestrians and car drivers are invited to weigh in on bike lanes in Inwood and Washington Heights at Community Board 12’s Traffic and Transportation meeting on Monday.
Earlier this month, the committee postponed making a recommendation to the Department of Transportation after listening to a presentation on the plan by the Inwood-Washington Heights Livable Streets group, which had gathered approximately 700 signatures of support.
The plan includes protected bike lanes on Dyckman Street, painted bike lanes on major cross streets, an expansion of the Hudson River Greenway and Croton Aqueduct path and a more direct path between the Greenway and George Washington Bridge.
Monday’s meeting will not be dedicated to the bike lane petition, but the matter is on the committee’s agenda, said CB12 Chair Pamela Palanque-North.
A DOT representative at the October 4 meeting said that increased bike ridership is encouraged, but it will wait for guidance from the board.
"DOT is committed to expanding New York City’s bicycle infrastructure and we will continue to work with local communities to gather input on possible additions to the bike network," Monty Dean, a spokesman for the DOT, wrote in an email after the committee meeting.
The Community Board 12 Traffic and Transportation committee meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 1, at 711 W. 168th St. The board can be reached at 212-568-8500 for questions.