By Yepoka Yeebo
DNAinfo Reporter/Producer
MIDTOWN — The man on the $20 bill takes center stage this fall, as 'Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson' moves to Broadway.
Touted as "an Emo rock musical about Andrew Jackson," the raunchy, formerly Off-Broadway show, follows the life of populist politician and President Andrew Jackson with an on-stage rock band and plenty of profanity.
The musical invokes the spirit of the maverick politician, whose controversial decisions about wars and banks split Congress and led to the creation of the Democratic party.
Writer and director Alex Timbers said that in the six years the play has been developing, it has constantly reflected modern national politics.
"Originally, the piece seemed like it was about George Bush and about Bill Clinton -- now it feels like it's a show about Obama," he said at a rehearsal at Playwrights Horizons on West 42nd Street.
Michael Friedman, who wrote the music and lyrics, said the musical is more than sexed-up history lesson.
"I think with Jackson, I'm exploring how is pop music political," said Friedman.
The show is one in a string of productions, including "A Chorus Line" and 'Hair' that started off at The Public Theater and went on to Broadway.
The 90-minute musical opens at the Bernard B Jacobs Theater on September 21st.