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Is Your Neighborhood Covered In Poop? Map Tracks Dog Poop Complaints

March 17, 2017 5:33am | Updated March 17, 2017 5:33am
West Englewood gets the most complaints of uncleaned dog poop, according to a new report.
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CHICAGO — You might want to bring some doggie bags if you're taking a walk around West Englewood.

That neighborhood gets the most complaints about dog poop left outside, according to a new report from RentHop. The report looked at complaints to Streets and Sanitation (eliminating duplicate reports of doggy doo-doo) to see from which parts of the city the most complaints originate.

West Englewood saw 26.5 average yearly complaints per 10,000 households, and had 26 total complaints in 2016, according to the report.

The next-closest neighborhood was West Pullman, where the Streets and Sanitation Department gets 22.2 average yearly complaints of poop per 10,000 households. It got 13 complaints in all of 2016.

The Near North Side had the fewest complaints: just .63 average yearly complaints per 10,000 households, or five total complaints in 2016. The Loop, O'Hare, Hyde Park and Kenwood are also among the most complaint-free (and, presumably, poop-free) areas in the city.

The report found neighborhoods with fewer rental units had more complaints, and March saw the most complaints out of any month.

The city has considered fines up to $500 for people who don't clean up dog poop in the past. The city has said dog poop is a food source for rats in some neighborhoods.
