By Tim Gorta
DNAinfo Reporter/Producer
EAST VILLAGE —The Allen Ginsberg-inspred HOWL! festival brought art to Tompkins Square Park in a free celebration this weekend.
The annual event — which pays tribute to the beat poet who would have turned 85 Friday — runs until Sunday.
It packed the East Village park displays of visual and performing arts, with two stages set up for poetry readings and musical performances.
Festival-goers painted on large canvases attached to the park fences.
"The artwork outside, the paintings are wonderful," said Helene Sender, a 66 year-old retiree from Queens.
Elsewhere were tables offering knickknacks for sale, information on health and wellness topics and facepainting for kids. Also for kids was a small carnival set up in the northwest corner of the park, complete with inflatable attractions, miniature golf and games like ring toss.
"The children's area is delightful," said Sender.
"[The carnival] seems nice, well put together," agreed Nora Ambrose, 19, a student from Brooklyn. "There's a good turnout here, with lots of families."
A half-dozen cops patrolled the park but there was no sign of trouble.
"The weather is perfect for the festival," said Sender.
The event kicked off Friday with readings of Ginsberg's seminal 1956 poem HOWL!, after which it was named