By Gabriela Resto-Montero
DNAinfo Reporter/Producer
WASHINGTON HEIGHTS — The Pittsburgh Steelers may have lost the Super Bowl on Sunday, but their post-season rap anthem has been a big winner for a group that spoofed the song to reflect Upper Manhattan.
The song "Pan con Queso", (bread and cheese in English), a takeoff of rapper Wiz Khalifa's "Black and Yellow" Steelers jam, scored 20,000 hits on YouTube its first two days on the site.
Producers Mike Diaz, (aka Juan Bago), and Oscar Martinez, produced the music video in just two weeks.
In the video, Diaz and Martinez go on a quest for a delicious bodega meal of bread and cheese with a cafecito (coffee), after waking up to an empty fridge.

"Everyone loves pan con queso, that's like our cereal right there," Diaz said of the beloved neighborhood staple.
Diaz and Martinez worked with a crew and studio to shoot and produce the video in Washington Heights.
"Hopefully something tongue-in-cheek like "Pan con Queso" can give some exposure to the Heights aside from what you usually hear," Diaz said.
Residents responded quickly to the neighborhood version of "Black and Yellow" with Twitter hashtags panconqueso and TeamPanConQueso.
"Lol, watching this made me want to go down to the store and buy PAN CON QUESO!" wrote user drblaze on the video's YouTube page.
By Monday afternoon "Pan Con Queso" had more than 21,000 views.