Fordham & Tremont

Urban Animals

Honor Your Loved One With a Cockroach This Valentine's Day

January 27, 2016 4:43pm | Updated January 27, 2016 4:43pm
Look, it's the perfect Valentine's Day present.
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Julie Larsen Maher © WCS

This Valentine’s Day, say it with a cockroach — specifically, the largest species of roach in the world.

The Bronx Zoo is once again offering couples (who either have a good sense of humor or are looking for an excuse to break up) the chance to name a Madagascar hissing cockroach after their partner for a $10 donation.

It's not that difficult to find chocolate for $10, either, but that gift idea has basically been run into the ground at this point.

The zoo launched its Name-a-Roach promotion in 2011, and each $10 donation comes with a certificate that features the name chosen for the insect. If you’re dating someone named Christine, for instance, you could name the cockroach something like “Chrissy” or “Sorry I Couldn’t Come Up With A Better Valentine’s Day Gift Idea.”

For those big shots concerned that a $10 gift won't be enough to impress their partner, the zoo has added another option.

This year, for the first time, lovers can spend $25 to have their certificate come with a handmade chocolate roach-themed treat from Brooklyn's Nunu Chocolate company, the perfect gift for that special someone in your life who loves desserts but wishes they looked more like the insects they're currently trying to sue their landlord over.

The chocolates need to be ordered by Feb. 2 to ensure that they are delivered in time for Valentine's Day.

The Bronx Zoo has thousands of roaches on display in its Madagascar! exhibit. The creatures are the world's largest species of roach at nearly four inches long, and they emit their namesake hiss as a defense mechanism.

The bugs are not considered pests and rarely enter homes, which should be something to emphasize repeatedly when your lover asks why you thought naming one of the creatures after them was a good idea.
