Wicker Park & Bucktown

Crime & Mayhem


100 Police Misconduct Cases, And Some Videos, To Be Released Friday

June 1, 2016 4:54pm | Updated June 1, 2016 4:54pm
Mayor Rahm Emanuel appointed Sharon Fairley to head the Independent Police Review Authority, but has since said he'd like to see the agency disbanded.
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DNAinfo/Ted Cox

WEST TOWN — Following through on plans to release video and other information on cases of alleged police misconduct, the Independent Police Review Authority plans to release 100 such cases to the public on Friday.

According to agency spokeswoman Mia Sissac, the cases will be released midday Friday with details announced in a news release tentatively set for 11 a.m.

The agency will not be releasing 100 police videos, but rather will be releasing information and documents on 100 open cases on police misconduct, some including video.

First reported last week, the release would make good on Emanuel administration pledges to make police videos more readily available in the wake of the Laquan McDonald case, but it comes at a dicey time for the agency designed to be independent. Mayor Rahm Emanuel said last month he'd like to see the agency replaced by a civilian review board.

The City Council nonetheless recently called on the independent police authority to testify on cases of police settlements that come before the 50 aldermen.

Emanuel placed former city inspector general administrator Sharon Fairley in charge of the agency in December as part of a Police Department shakeup that also saw the firing of Supt. Garry McCarthy.

Included in that flurry of activity was Emanuel's appointment of a Police Accountability Task Force charged with suggesting reforms. That task force called for videos to be more readily released to the public, within 60-90 days, in its report issued in April.

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