Downtown, South Loop & River North


Trump Raises Mere $1,600 in Downtown Chicago, Far Behind GOP Field

March 3, 2016 2:32pm | Updated March 4, 2016 10:52am
Presidential front-runners Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
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DOWNTOWN — Donald Trump may be turning out voters, but he's having less luck with political donors in Chicago, an analysis shows. 

A search of political donations reveals that Chicago anchors a still solidly blue state: DNAinfo Chicago reported Tuesday that Hillary Clinton is leading all candidates citywide, with $2.2 million in donations. Almost half of that total comes from donors in the eight ZIP codes making up Downtown, some of the city's wealthiest neighborhoods.

But among Republicans, the party's presidential front-runner is lagging the pack in terms of raising money here.

Trump, who holds a commanding lead in advance of the Illinois primary elections March 15, is apparently sticking true to his claims of financing his own campaign. The developer whose name is emblazoned on one of the city's most notable towers has taken just $1,600 from six Downtown donors, the data shows. That's the least of any of the 15 presidential candidates who entered the 2016 race, including dropouts Carly Fiorina ($15,075), Sen. Rand Paul ($9,864) and Lawrence Lessig ($9,700). 

With more than $915,000 raised as of Jan. 31, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton has received by far the most campaign contributions among all presidential candidates from Downtown ZIP codes.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) came in second with nearly $230,000, and Republican campaign dropout Jeb Bush garnered about $170,000. 

Democrat Bernie Sanders and Republican Ted Cruz, who both remain in the race, have respectively raised $65,000 and $24,000 from Downtown donors. The data, updated as of Jan. 31, includes donations from eight zip codes stretching from the Gold Coast to the South Loop. It only includes donations from individuals and not political action committees. 

Early voting has already started for the March 15 primary, and polls released late last month show Clinton (+19) and Trump (+15.5) have double-digit leads.

Check out our breakdown of Downtown presidential campaign donations this election cycle: 

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