Lakeview & Wrigleyville

Sports & Outdoors

See What It Took To Move the Wrigley Field Caretaker's House

June 18, 2015 6:16pm | Updated June 18, 2015 6:16pm

WRIGLEY FIELD — Pop quiz: How do you move a 92-year-old house across the street without doing any damage?

Answer: Very, very slowly. So slowly, in fact, that the only way to capture the action was through a stop-motion video.

On Thursday, the Chicago Cubs moved the historic caretaker's house back to its original location at the northwest corner of Wrigley Field. The building was supposed to be returned by Opening Day, but cold weather has delayed many aspects of the first phase of renovations, including the completion of the bleachers.

It took over three hours to move the structure a couple hundred feet south, with construction crews using large steel plates in the path of travel to help distribute the weight and prevent sinkage in the rain-soaked ground.

As the house inched along, Wrigleyville residents paused at the sight, asking workers what was happening. Some, of course, snapped photos.

[DNAinfo/Ariel Cheung]

The house, built in 1923, was removed in November to the Blue Lot for preservation work and excavation for the new plaza and basement, but it's now back where it belongs.

The house was offered to then-grounds superintendent Bobby Dorr upon the suggestion of William Wrigley Jr. Dorr, who was so popular, Wrigley Field was often referred to as "Bobby Dorr's House," lived there with his family until his death in 1957.

[DNAinfo/Ariel Cheung]

Since then, the caretaker's house has been used as office space for Cubs' secretaries and consessionaires. Cubs spokesman Julian Green said the team has yet to decide what the building will be used for once renovations are completed.

The building will itself be remodeled, with plans in the works to restore its exposed bricks and get rid of that yucky gray paint. The house will be placed on new foundation and get a new roof, as well.

[DNAinfo/Ariel Cheung]

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