This glossary provides definitions and explanations for some of the terms often used in's Crime & Safety Report.
Entering a building illegally to commit a crime.
Central Park Population
The 22nd Precinct, or the Central Park Precinct, lists 25 people as residents, according to the 2010 Census data, despite the fact that there is no housing in Central Park. This is an anomaly in the data, and may have been due to homeless people listing Central Park as their residence, according to Census officials.
The NYPD's crime statistics system.
Criminal Violation
Tickets issued to people for violating certain city administrative codes, such as public urination or drinking.
A serious crime, often punished by more than a year in prison.
Felony Assault
An attack with the intent and the result of causing serious injury. The serious nature of the assault, including the use of a weapon, makes it a felony.
Grand Larceny
The theft of items valued in excess of $1,000 in New York State. (This figure differs from state to state).
Grand Larceny Auto (GLA)
Car theft.
The wrongful acquisition of the property of another person, i.e., theft.
Major Crimes
Overall crime, encompassing seven categories: murder, rape, robbery, felony assault, burglary, grand larceny and grand larceny auto.
The intent to cause another person's death, or to do serious harm to someone that results in their death. As with other serious crimes, there are degrees of murder.
Misdemeanor Assault
Assault with the intent and the result of causing physical injury to someone, but not serious physical injury.
Misdemeanor Sex Crimes
These include minor sexual offences such as unwarranted touching, fondling or grabbing.
Moving Violation
Tickets issued to motorists who violate traffic laws.
Organized Crime and Control Bureau - Narcotics Division, NYPD.
Organized Crime and Control Bureau - Gang Division, NYPD.
Parking Violation
Tickets issued to cars in violation of parking regulations.
Petit Larceny
Theft of items worth less than $1,000.
Property Crime
These crimes do not involve the victim directly, only their property. They include Grand Larceny, Grand Larceny Auto and Burglary.
Forced sexual intercourse. There are degrees of rape that, for example, cover the age of the victim and their mental and physical capacities.
Taking property from another person by force.
Shooting Incidents
(Sht. Inc.) Occasions when a firearm is discharged. Not limited to incidents in which someone is shot.
Shooting Victims
(Sht. Vic.) Shooting victims are people who are injured or killed when a weapon is fired.
Summons Activity
A CompStat designation that includes ticketed offences or any offense for which a summons is issued. Typically, these are parking violations (tickets issued to cars in violation of parking regulations), moving violations (tickets issued to motorists who violate traffic laws) and criminal violations (tickets issued to people for violating certain city administrative codes, such as public urination or drinking).
Violent Crimes
These are crimes that involve a victim directly, and include murder, rape, robbery and felony assault.