Upper East Side & Roosevelt Island

Crime & Mayhem

Q Train Taken Out of Service After Swastika Spotted in Car, MTA Says

April 26, 2017 6:18pm | Updated April 26, 2017 6:18pm

MANHATTAN — At least one swastika drawn with a marker was discovered on a Q train Wednesday, the MTA said.

The symbol was found at about 4:50 p.m., and the train was taken out of service in the Upper East Side, an MTA spokesman said.

It was not immediately clear if more than one swastika was found. 

The number of anti-Semitic hate crimes have spiked by 94 percent this year, which has been driving an uptick in overall hate crimes in 2017.

In another recent incident, a motorcyclist recently tossed fliers with swastikas and anti-Semitic drawings on them onto a street in South Williamsburg
