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Worth a Click: 10 Stories You Should Read Today

DNAinfo staff
November 3, 2016 5:26pm | Updated November 3, 2016 5:26pm

These Grandparents Reacting to the Cubs Winning the World Series Will Make You Cry

These folks have been waiting a long time to see their beloved Chicago Cubs win a World Series. The priceless moment capturing their joy has been widely shared on social media. [Deadspin]

And Now Watch Cubs Fan Bill Murray’s Face When the Cubs Win

Relish die-hard Cubs fan Bill Murray, who was in the stands for the historic win, and his joyous reaction. His locker room interviews were pretty great too. [Mashable]

Drunk Bill Murray interviewing drunk Theo Epstein is one of the best interviews ever. https://t.co/STy90yPQSc

— Joon Lee (@iamjoonlee) November 3, 2016

Former Bush Speechwriter Explains Why He’s Voting for Clinton

David Frum, a former speechwriter for George W. Bush and a senior editor at The Atlantic, has cast his vote for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. He lays out his reasoning in an essay, explaining that, although he disagrees with her on almost every issue of domestic policy, she is “a patriot” who will “defend allies” and “uphold the sovereignty and independence of the United States,” framing his vote for her as a vote “for the republic and the Constitution.” [The Atlantic]

Black Mississippi Church Torched in the Name of Trump

A 110-year-old black Baptist church in Greenville, Mississippi, was set on fire Tuesday night. When firefighters got closer to the burning house of worship they noticed the words “Vote Trump” scrawled on the side of the building, the Washington Post reports. Donald Trump, who’s struggled to make inroads with black voters, swiftly denounced the fire. [Los Angeles Times]

A Blow to Brexit

Leaving the European Union just became even more complicated for Great Britain. After a highly controversial referendum on whether or not to stay in the E.U. in June ended with the majority of voters saying “leave”, there hasn’t been a clear cut exit strategy, though new Prime Minister Theresa May had said she planned to move things along by March 2017. The UK High Court decided Thursday that the parliament had to vote on whether or not to invoke “Article 50” a mechanism that starts the process of leaving the E.U. The ruling may not stop Brexit, but is likely to slow it down. [The Altantic]

The Study on Male Birth Control Was Not Halted Because Men are Wimps

When a study on a seemingly effective male birth control was halted due to the adverse side effects experienced by participants, it was widely reported that the men simply couldn’t handle the moodiness and acne that women on the pill experience daily. But this Vox article points out that this disparaging interpretation isn’t exactly true. In reality, scientists nixed the study because they were concerned by the high rate of troubling side effects. [Vox]

How College-Educated White Women are Clinton’s Firewall

History suggest that this demographic — the white, college-educated women — is the reason former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney had a high chance of winning in 2012, and what’s currently putting Clinton ahead of the game. [Washington Post

But These 9 Women Explain Why They’re Choosing Trump Over Clinton

Trump’s treatment of women has been a focal point of this election cycle. Despite his insistence that he has utmost respect for women, he's been caught talking about grabbing women’s genitals and multiple stories of assault and bullying have surfaced. Yet some women are sticking by the candidate. [New York Magazine]

Oscar-Winning Actor-Turned-Politician Returns To Stage as King Lear

Actor Glenda Jackson is returning to acting after more than two decades as a member of the British parliament. The 80-year-old Oscar-winner will play the doomed King Lear at the 1,000-seat Old Vic theater in London. “If she was going to come back, she wasn’t going to tiptoe back into the business,” the play’s artistic director Matthew Warchus said. [New York Times]

Third-Party Voters Are 'Trading Votes' With Clinton Voters to Defeat Trump

A Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur and Hillary Clinton supporter created an app that lets voters who live in “safe” blue states, where Clinton is all but assured to win, swap votes with voters who are adamant about voting for third-party candidates, but live in crucial swing states, in a plan to defeat Donald Trump. [Vox]

This column was compiled by DNAinfo reporters Irene Plagianos, Eddie Small, Jeanmarie Evelly, Maya Rajamani, Gwynne Hogan, Nikhita Venugopal, Noah Hurowitz, Darturorro Clark, Allegra Hobbs and Carolina Pichardo.
