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Worth a Click: 8 Stories You Should Read Today

DNAinfo staff
September 27, 2016 3:53pm | Updated September 27, 2016 3:53pm
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton
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DNAinfo/Ben Fractenberg

Fact-Checking the First Clinton-Trump Presidential Debate

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump kept fact-checkers busy during their first presidential debate. Experts said that both candidates relied on false claims, although Trump stretched the facts more often. The New York Times and Washington Post rounded up the most notable statements that they made. [New York Times and Washington Post]

Donald Trump Says ‘Nothing’ on America’s Racial Healing

Trump established himself as the “law and order” candidate when, during Monday's debate, he said he would expand stop-and-frisk policing, despite it being found unconstitutional in court and roundly criticized for disproportionately targeting black and Hispanic men. When asked what he would tell people of color, regarding racial healing, Trump replied: “Well, it was very — I say nothing… I say nothing.” [TIME]

Girl’s Pleas Silence Charlotte City Council Meeting

At the first city Charlotte, North Carolina council meeting since protests broke out over the police shooting of Keith Scott, a little girl made a plea to council members to end the violence. In tears, she told them the community needs their mothers and fathers. The audience was silent as she cried through her speech. [CNN]

Doctors Share How to Make a DIY EpiPen for $30

The price of the EpiPen — a life-saving device for people with severe allergy and asthma attacks — has skyrocketed to $600. A group of doctors who believe drugs should be deregulated are now offering instructions on how to make an EpiPen that’s easy to use and just as effective for $30. [Quartz]

John Oliver Pits Clinton’s Scandals Against Trump’s

On a recent episode of "Last Week Tonight", comedian John Oliver unpacks all the scandals that have surrounded Clinton from her handling of Benghazi to her private emails. He then compares them to Trump’s controversies. Oliver finishes the segment comparing Clinton to an oatmeal raisin cookie (Nobody likes the raisins but they’re part of the cookie.) On the other other hand, Trump is a hurricane of raisins, no cookie. [Last Week Tonight]

Meet the Beauty Contestant Trump Mocked for Her Weight

Clinton evoked the name of a former Miss Universe — Alicia Machado — during the first presidential debate because Machado claims Trump mocked and humiliated her for gaining weight after her victory, calling her “Miss Piggy” and “Miss Housekeeping.” Trump doubled down on his critiques Tuesday, telling Fox News, “She gained a massive amount of weight and it was a real problem.” [New York Times]

Rewriting Earth’s Creation Story

Turns out how the earth was created is still really up for debate. [The Atlantic]

Here’s How Arnold Palmer Came Up with the Arnold Palmer

Arnold Palmer was more than just a legendary golfer. He was also the inventor of one of the most delicious drinks of all time: a  mix of lemonade and iced tea called, appropriately enough, an Arnold Palmer.

The man himself said he came up with the idea because his wife made lots of iced tea for lunch, and one day he decided to see how it would taste with some lemonade. “I thought, 'Boy, this is great, babe,’” he said. “‘I'm going to take it when I play golf. I'm going to take a thermos of iced tea and lemonade.’” [USA Today]

This column was compiled by DNAinfo reporters Emily Frost, Eddie Small, Gwynne Hogan, Carolina Pichardo, Ewa Kern-Jedrychowska, Shaye Weaver, Allegra Hobbs and Irene Plagianos.
