

Mayor De Blasio Makes 'Smooth' Entrance at DNC

July 27, 2016 6:27pm | Updated July 27, 2016 6:27pm

“Smooth” moves, Bill...

Mayor Bill de Blasio strolled to the podium at the DNC in Philadelphia Wednesday while the Rob Thomas-Carlos Santana '90s jam filled the Wells Fargo Center with its laid-back vibes.

The mayor used his non-prime time address to highlight the differences between Donald Trump and his former boss, Hillary Clinton.

“As a New Yorker I am quite familiar with both presidential nominees,” de Blasio said. “But despite sharing a home state, these two people are worlds apart.”

He then said he was “honored” to have managed Clinton’s first Senate campaign before singing her praises.

“When Hillary Clinton was in the Senate she helped secure $20 billion for our recovery after 9/11, protecting our hero first responders who sacrificed so much.”

He wasn’t so magnanimous towards Trump.

“Who did Donald protect?” de Blasio asked rhetorically. “Certainly not the students at Trump University.”


Former mayor Michael Bloomberg was scheduled to address the crowd Wednesday night. It wasn't immediately known what song he would be walking out to.
